Giuseppe Mulè - Halidon Music

Giuseppe Mulè

  • Date:

E 'was published a collection of compositions written by Joseph Mule.
It gives considerable prominence the eminent journalist and musical critic Paolo Isotta in the pages of the Corriere della Sera.
below the text ....... "Now comes a disc that contains a compilation of compositions Mulè: It is noted with some bitterness that the company named after him in Termini Imerese has been due to address a yes to Italian director, the great Silvano Frontalini, but in an orchestra and a choir Poles, those of Opole Philharmonic of Poland (the record label is the Halidon). Ben true, the greatest Polish composer after Chopin, Karol Szymanowski, was elected Sicily in place of the soul. "
Mulè among the many works is known to have composed a "Largo for Cello and Piano" which was used as the opening theme in radio broadcasting and national Eiar and Rai.

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